~ The Waste Land, "The Burial of The Dead", Eliot
Thursday, April 10, 2008
i'm playing with some ideas. i'm interested in the theoretical idea of forgiveness. the more i think of forgiveness, the more i think it's a terrible, terrible thing. forgiveness as a speech-act, upholding what, power, ultimately, the story of forgiveness also a teleological narrative. i understand genesis now, i understand the meaning of original sin, how it is inextricably intertwined with political functions, and language as a political function. this is why i can't become a christian, i finally realise. i'm so relieved i finally understand. this is not to mean that i don't believe in a god, but i don't believe in a christian god.
i don't know.
are you suggesting a spiritual kind of forgivesness? i wish i were stronger, but i find it difficult to believe that forgiveness is that which operates through god, and is a sign that god's grace is working through you. i don't think forgiveness is just a thought/speech. it's a language that interferes with emotions and memories--it redefines time by dividing the past from the present, and thus presents us with a kind of illusion that the present is far removed from the past. that is dangerous. it is the desire to rid yourself of a anger/hurt/disappointment , by the creation of the illusion of the passing of time--that which is structured by language. forgiveness suggests there was a "then" till one decided "i forgive", placing one in a "present". thus forgiveness is dangerous, insidious. this doesn't happen by rationalisation , it just happens, when we dont realise it. im not sure if i am making sense. |
[publishing] Publishers Weekly . Dystel & Goderich . New York Center for Independent Publishing . Association of American University Presses . Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators [people] clarisse . nurul . aunty zarina (ummi's bakery) . jeremy . pak . cyril . softblow . karen & kenny (booksactually) . eric . joel . [other loves] digitaljournalist . ballet dictionary . poetshouse . urbanwordnyc [me] dawn, singapore, new york city, ithaca. [yesterday]
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